
Free Fall

Derivation of Galileo's equation


the definition of speed:
vav ≡ Δd / Δt
vav x Δt = Δd
to get an average (assuming uniform acceleration)
vav = vinitial + vfinal / 2
if  vinitial = 0, then   vav = 1/2  vfinal

substituting for vav from (2)
1/2  vfinal  x Δt = Δd

according to Galileo, acceleration is...
a ≡ Δv / Δt
but change is always the difference:
Δv = vfinal - vinitial

so substituting Δv from (4),
a =   vfinal - vinitial   / Δt
if  vinitial = 0, then   a = vfinal / Δt
a x Δt = vfinal

substuting (7) into (3)
1/2  ( a x Δt ) x Δt = Δd
1/2 a Δt2 = Δd


So the distance a falling object transverses, Δd, is proportional to the SQUARE of the elapsed time, Δt, multiplied by a constant, 1/2 a,
presuming acceleration is constant as Galileo claims, and measurements of t, d and vinitial are made from rest.


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created 1/18/2003
latest revision 1/18/2003
by D Trapp
Mac made