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QuarkNet site
virtual QuarkNet
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What is QuarkNet?

QuarkNet connects teachers and students with cutting edge physics research and educational resources.  QuarkNet gets students excited about science and involved in classroom science investigations by getting scientists and teachers working together.

QuarkNet provides a way to work with scientists who have projects at CERN, FermiLab, and other National Laboratories.  QuarkNet also provides a mechanism for teachers to share ideas with other science teachers and to interact with colleagues who have been developing teaching materials to help students learn the latest scientific methods and discoveries.  And QuarkNet provides student activities.  These range from MasterClass, learning to interpret accelerator data, to e-Labs such as experimental studies of the highest known energy particles, cosmic rays.

If you are a student
in a science class or an individual who just wants to better understand the world

access our on-line resources listed on QuarkNet resources  or our student wiki pages.

If you are a teacher
who would like to join a QuarkNet group

select from the location based sites listed below or our faculty wiki pages.

QuarkNet has existing groups at the locations shown on the map.  (Move your mouse over each to identify each site.  Click to gain more information from that site.  Or contact their representative using the e-mail information in the table below.)  The Physics Teacher Education Coalition also has a Google Map of QuarkNet institutions & contacts.  If none of those groups are convenient for you, we are pioneering a virtual QuarkNet group to provide an on-line communityCheck us out!

QTSiteMap University of Maryland John Hopkins University University of Taxas at Arlington Rutgers University University of Pennsylvania Columbia University, Nevis Labs Brookhaven National Laboratory State University of New York at Stony Brook Boston University Northeastern University State University of New York at Albany University of Rochester University at Buffalo; State University of New York Hampton University University of South Carolina Florida State University University of Florida Florida Institute of Technology Florida International University University of Puerto Rico University of Mississippi Vanderbilt University Wayne State University Michigan State University University of Cincinnati Indiana University Purdue University Notre Dame University of Chicago Argonne National Laboratory FermiLab Oklahoma State University University of Oklahoma Rice University University of Houston Southern Methodist University Texas Tech University Kansas State University University of Kansas University of Iowa Iowa State University University of Minnesota University of Hawai'i Idaho State University University of California, Irvine University of California, Riverside University of California, Los Angeles U California, Santa Cruz Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory U of Oregon U of Washington Brandeis University

institution contact person e-mail address
Argonne National Laboratory Bob Wagner rgwcdf@anl.gov
Boston group Richard Dower ick.dower@roxburylatin.org
Brookhaven National Laboratory / SUNY-Stony Brook Helio Takai takai@bnl.gov
Columbia University, Nevis Labs Jeremy Dodd dodd@nevis1.columbia.edu
Fermilab Mike Syphers syphers@fnal.gov
Florida International University Laird Kramer laird.kramer@fiu.edu
Florida State University Horst Wahl wahl@hep.fsu.edu
Hampton University Kenneth Cecire ken.cecire@hamptonu.edu
Idaho State University Steven Shropshire shropshi@physics.isu.edu
Indiana University Rick Van Kooten rickv@paoli.physics.indiana.edu
Iowa State University John Hauptman hauptman@iastate.edu
John Hopkins University Bruce Barnett bab@jhu.edu
Kansas State University Tim Bolton bolton@phys.ksu.edu
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Stewart Loken loken@lbl.gov
Michigan State University Joey Huston huston@pa.msu.edu
Oklahoma State University Flera Rizatdinova flera@fnal.gov
Purdue University Daniela Bortoletto daniela@physics.purdue.edu
Rice University Marj Corcoran corcoran@rice.edu
Rutgers University Steve Schnetzer steves@physics.rutgers.edu
Southern Methodist University Fred Olness olness@smu.edu
Texas Tech University Nural Akchurin Nural.Akchurin@ttu.edu
University of Buffalo Avto Kharchilava avto@physics.buffalo.edu
University of California - Los Angeles Michael Gutperle gutperle@physics.ucla.edu
University of California - Santa Cruz Hartmut Sadrozinski hartmut@scipp.ucsc.edu
University of California at Irvine Mu-Chun Chen mcchen@fnal.gov
University of Cincinnati Brian Meadows brian@physics.uc.edu
University of Florida Thomas Jordan jordant@fnal.gov
University of Hawai'I Mike Jones dj@phys.hawaii.edu
University of Houston Lawrence Pinsky pinsky@uh.edu
University of Illinois at Chicago Mark Adams adams@uic.edu
University of Iowa Yasar Onel yasar-onel@uiowa.edu
University of Kansas Phil Baringer baringer@ku.edu
University of Maryland Kara Hoffman kara@icecube.umd.edu
University of Minnesota Daniel Cronin-Hennessy hennessy@physics.umn.edu
University of Minnesota Priscilla Cushman prisca@physics.umn.edu
University of Mississippi Lucien Cremaldi cremaldi@phy.olemiss.edu
University of Notre Dame Dan Karmgard Karmgard.1@nd.edu
University of Oklahoma Michael Strauss strauss@mail.nhn.ou.edu
University of Oregon Raymond Frey rayfrey@cosmic.uoregon.edu
University of Pennsylvania Rick Van Berg rick@upenn5.hep.upenn.edu
University of Puerto Rico Hector Mendez mendez@charma.uprm.edu
University of Rochester Kevin McFarland ksmcf@pas.rochester.edu
University of South Carolina Carl Rosenfeld lcr@sc.edu
University of Texas at Arlington Andy White awhite@uta.edu
University of Washington Toby Burnett tburnett@u.washington.edu
Vanderbilt University Medford Webster med.webster@vanderbilt.edu
Wayne State University Robert Harr harr@physics.wayne.edu
virtual QuarkNet Kenneth Cecire ken.cecire@hamptonu.edu

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page created 18 July 2007
latest revision 24 May 2010
conceived, designed & maintained to support virtual QuarkNet
by D Trapp

NSF logo DOE seal Office of Science logo This project has been supported in part by the National Science Foundation and the Office of High Energy Physics, Office of Science, U.S. Department of Energy.  However the choice of content, opinions expressed and any omissions or other errors are those of D. Trapp and not the responsibility of NSF, DoE, FermiLab or QuarkNet.